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    1. Female
    2. aldershot
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    4. Member Since: Apr 02 2009 8:37:40 PM
    5. Last modified date: Apr 02 2009 8:50:11 PM
    6. Last visited date: Apr 02 2009 8:47:50 PM
    7. Hit counts: 91
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  1. Barton is asking Gordon Brown: "Dear Mr Brown, As Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years and two months and now prime minister please could you explain in layman terms (ie without customary truth contortion) why the financial ..." Show more »"Dear Mr Brown,

    As Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years and two months and now prime minister please could you explain in layman terms (ie without customary truth contortion) why the financial situation the United Kingdom is in is worse than other European countries? It would appear to have been caused by the last decade of financial decisions made by the current government of which you were fundamentally responsible. And why we are still making the same mistakes and further pushing the country in debt? Surely the wisest situation would be to curb the government debt spending and try saving for change. A simple answer would suffice." Show less »
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Recent Questions
  1. Barton is asking Gordon Brown: "Dear Mr Brown, As Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years and two months and now prime minister please could you explain in layman terms (ie without customary truth contortion) why the financial ..." Show more »"Dear Mr Brown,

    As Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years and two months and now prime minister please could you explain in layman terms (ie without customary truth contortion) why the financial situation the United Kingdom is in is worse than other European countries? It would appear to have been caused by the last decade of financial decisions made by the current government of which you were fundamentally responsible. And why we are still making the same mistakes and further pushing the country in debt? Surely the wisest situation would be to curb the government debt spending and try saving for change. A simple answer would suffice." Show less »
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