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Overseas Aid
Answered Questions
  1. SiGreen asked Barbara Stocking: "Is it time for the governed to lead the government? why doesn't Oxfam -and other big charities - make a public show of cutting overheads and give a lead to the public sector?"
  2. Barbara Stocking answer: "Click 'play' to view."

  3. pdesilva asked Douglas Alexander: "What will be the impact of the Global Economic Crisis on DFID projects in Sub- Saharan Africa and the developing world in the fight against HIV/AIDS?"
  4. Douglas Alexander answer: "Click "play" to view."

Popular Questions
  1. nickmaurice is asking Douglas Alexander: "Does the Minister believe that partnerships between communities (towns, schools, local authorities, hospitals etc) in UK and with counterparts in the developing world can help to meet the MDGs and raise..." Show more »"Does the Minister believe that partnerships between communities (towns, schools, local authorities, hospitals etc) in UK and with counterparts in the developing world can help to meet the MDGs and raise awareness of development issues in UK.  If so why has the Govermnent not impliemented the statement in the last DFID White Paper published June 2006 "The UK will set up a scheme to help other groups - such as faith organisations, community groups, local government, business an charitable organisations - build links with developing countries"
    " Show less »
  2. 15

  1. erinrose is asking Douglas Alexander: "Do you think too much is spent on overheads by UK NGOs and is this the timefor them to cut down on them dramatically? I worked overseas for a while and all the aid agency workers drove around in 4x4s..." Show more »"Do you think too much is spent on overheads by UK NGOs and is this the timefor them to cut down on them dramatically? I worked overseas for a while and all the aid agency workers drove around in 4x4s and lived in nice houses-not quite like the bankers but almost." Show less »
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  1. Barney57 is asking Gordon Brown: "I would like to ask why then World Development Movement have been banned from the G20 meeting?"
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  1. simsan is asking Gordon Brown: "Why did you remove WDM and War on Want's G20 accreditation?
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  1. hmoody is asking Douglas Alexander: " In the current financial crisis do you think the UK will rethink the amount of aid and support for short and long term development and aid projects overseas? If so, what would the government's justification..." Show more »"
    In the current financial crisis do you think the UK will rethink the amount of aid and support for short and long term development and aid projects overseas? If so, what would the government's justification for this be considering the difference in standard of living." Show less »
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Recent Questions
  1. Damocles is asking Gordon Brown: "If I may have the temerity to ask,why, of all goups, have you exculded the World Development Movement from attending the summit?"
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  1. ChrisCorcora is asking Gordon Brown: "Why have The World Development had their accreditation of involvement removed for the London Summit 2009? Surely, this is exactly the time their opinions should be heard?"
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  1. malachi is asking Gordon Brown: "As an ex aid worker I'm appalled that No 10 stopped the WDM - a highly respected organisation - from attending the G20 summit. What possible reason for doing so could you have? I always thought you had..." Show more »"As an ex aid worker I'm appalled that No 10 stopped the WDM - a highly respected organisation - from attending the G20 summit. What possible reason for doing so could you have? I always thought you had a commitment to the world's poor... now I'm not so sure." Show less »
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  1. asaffery is asking Douglas Alexander: "Many working in the development field, whether from the donor countries or the recipient countries, are well aware of the policy of ensuring repatriation of funding to the donor country - typically by..." Show more »"Many working in the development field, whether from the donor countries or the recipient countries, are well aware of the policy of ensuring repatriation of funding to the donor country - typically by sourcing consultancy or procuring goods and services from the donor country. It is not unusual for more than 50% of the funding to end up back in the hands of the donor counry. Isn't it time that the UK took the lead in Overseas Aid by ensuring that funds proclaimed to be for the developing world, stay in the developing world?" Show less »
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  1. whitwood is asking Gordon Brown: "Why has the World Development Movement been banned from the summit?"
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