To get out of the recession, you urge us to spend more. Yet our existing level of consumption is already destroying our planet's life support systems. We already consume 30% more renewable resources than can be replaced each year (including fish, fresh water, topsoil, timber and the ability of the planet to absord pollution). If everyone on the planet consumed as much as we do, we would need three planets to live on. Is it not time to devote serious effort to moving towards a truly sustainable low consumption, low growth economy? Do you have any plans to research methods of maintaining employment in a low consumption economy, such as job sharing, basic income or job guarantee and encouraging reduced working hours?
Will the Prime Minister, as an aid to the effective and efficient delivery of health and social care, ask the EC to support a review of the application of Article 81 of the EC Treaty to horizontal cooperation within the health and social care industries and assess the case for a block exemption?