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  1. Gordon Brown, I would like to know why single mums are encouraged to stay at home to raise their children but mums with partners/husbands are given no help to stay at home and bring up their children and often have no choice but to go back to work?
    Asked by shadsy on Feb 24 2009 6:08:27 PM and supported by 36 members
  2. 36

dawnbaker at Mar 02 2009 12:00:00 AM I was in this situation and as I wanted to help the family finacially I decided to become a childminder so I was able to stay at home look after my 3 children aswell as being paid to have other No problem
jayney at Mar 03 2009 12:00:00 AM I agree shadsy. I am looking into childminding but feel pressured to earn some money for the same reason...we are skint! I would like to do things in my own time and look after my daughter at home until I feel ready to return to work....why should we have to childmind to keep our heads above water? I have seen so many people who don't work, never have and never will who seem to be able to afford more than us!
aidensmum at Mar 03 2009 12:00:00 AM i agree completely here, i have a young son of 2, and i get no help other than chb, i cant afford to go back to work because after paying for nursery, my train fare, etc we worked it out after taxes i would be bringin home about £10 a week...!!!!! soo if i was a single mum i would get much more help?! i have no help from family that i can ask for in child care.  my home isnt big enough to be a child minder as i have thought of it and i have no garden. we want to move, but ofc that costs money. my husbands job wants him to work over time, but doesnt want to pay over time, so we are in a rut.. we are £400 in debt every month with our bank over draft, luckily we have no credit cards. as soon as my son turns 3 we are can have 16 hours a week of nursery that is paid for completely, but thats in 9 months.. so this year is going to be very grim indeed.
shadsy at Mar 03 2009 12:00:00 AM Thats the other thing I don't understand - why don't we get free childcare until our child is 3?  Where's the sense in that?!!!
antigone at Mar 05 2009 12:00:00 AM Can someone please explain what additional help single moters get over married ones? I'm a single mother of a two year old, working part time and shelling out a large chunk of my income to do so as there's little choise otherwise. If you can spot a way that as a singlemother i'd get help from the government to stay at home I'd love to see it.  I suspect that what you mean is that if you are supported by another earner who brings in sufficient mney that he can support you and his child rather than the state, then why should he?  But as I understood it that was rather what marriage was about - that partners would support each other and that if they had a child the one with the capacity to earn more might support the other to stay at home with the child or, dare I say it, both might vary their work pattern so that together they could bring up the child.  That's been the deal with marriage forever. Why should they be supported otherwise unless they geninely cannot work?