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Local Government and Communities Secretary Hazel Blears wants to hear from you

Local Government and Communities Secretary Hazel Blears wants to hear from you
Presented by
Saad Qureshi
Submit questions by Mar 23 2009
Interview published on Mar 26 2009
The background

Hazel Blears
  1. WilliamWhite is asking Hazel Blears: "Where they exist, can you channel money to support this worhtwhile exercise via the truly Local Councils (i.e.Parish & Town Councils)?  Principal Councils and governement departments always seem to swallow..." Show more »"Where they exist, can you channel money to support this worhtwhile exercise via the truly Local Councils (i.e.Parish & Town Councils)?  Principal Councils and governement departments always seem to swallow huge amounts of the money for "administratiobn" or "on-costs" whereas Local Councils know their communities and already work with the priority groups." Show less »
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  1. Valerie is asking Hazel Blears: "You suggest that you intend to enable voluntary organisations to support people in their communities in the current economic downturn.   Why is it that government is consistently signposting people in..." Show more »"You suggest that you intend to enable voluntary organisations to support people in their communities in the current economic downturn.   Why is it that government is consistently signposting people in need to VCS organisations like the Citizens Advice Centres and yet has failed to increase their funding to match the exponential increase in advice demand in the last few months?   Surely you should be looking to provide additional funding to enable them to cover the cost of recruiting, training and employing additional staff and volunteers (who need to be managed and this costs too)  to meet demand?   
    It seems to me that governement is always looking for "new" and investing huge sums in setting up "new" when additional investment in tried and tested VCS organisations might achieve alot more alot faster." Show less »
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  1. RayDuff is asking Hazel Blears: "Hazel - Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with the thrust of the 'Communities in Control' empowerment white-paper - Should every LA area be encouraged to have its own community development team and resources..." Show more »"Hazel - Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with the thrust of the 'Communities in Control' empowerment white-paper - Should every LA area be encouraged to have its own community development team and resources and an independent Community Empowerment Network in order to support and enable the full potential of communities and community action to be released? I feel that every area that identifies a need for CD support and a CEN should be supported in achieving that?" Show less »
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  1. durhamboy is asking Hazel Blears: "Following the issue of the Government's 2006 white paper Strong and Prosperous Communities a number of local authorities submitted proposals to change to unitary authorites. One of these was Durham which..." Show more »"

    Following the issue of the Government's 2006 white paper Strong and Prosperous Communities a number of local authorities submitted proposals to change to unitary authorites. One of these was Durham which had 7 District Councils.
    In 2007 the County Council's submission was accepted by the Government despite a local referendum in which the majority of responders voted against the proposal.
    Firstly: why were the wishes of the local community ignored?
    Secondly: The key point within the County Council's submission was the savings that would result and the main contributor to these proosed savings was the reduction in the number of councillors first to 126 and then in April 2009 to 90.
    What are the minister's thoughts about:-
    1) Durham's unelected chief executive being on a salary greater than the Prime Minister.
    2) Council tax for 2009-10 in 6 of the 7 former District's  being increased by more than the rate of inflation.
    3) The councillors recently voting without consultation or referal to CLG, or any other party(ies), NOT to reduce the number of councillors to 90 but to keep the number at 126 negating much of the savings, and therefore the whole point, of moving to a Unitary Authority.

    " Show less »
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  1. anaylo is asking Hazel Blears: "Does the Secretary of State agree that redundant town centre assets should be transferred on a temporary basis into local authority and community ownership to facilitate the development of community enterprise..." Show more »"Does the Secretary of State agree that redundant town centre assets should be transferred on a temporary basis into local authority and community ownership to facilitate the development of community enterprise during the recession - thereby reinvigorating 'ghost towns' and supporting young unemployed graduates into self-employment within the third sector where the private sector is withdrawing?" Show less »
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  1. SiGreen is asking Hazel Blears: "In the 80's- at a time of severe recession- we had anti-police riots and the rise of the extreme right. Are you confident that we will see nothing like that this time? why?"
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  1. ordinaryboy is asking Hazel Blears: "With nearly 400 tender notices being advertised in the last 72hrs can you tell me how many s11 Health and Social Care Act 2002 reviews have been made?
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  1. anaylo is asking Hazel Blears: "Would the Secretary of State support measures to reduce the investment of time and money at risk by third sector organisations seeking to take on the management and ownership of assets from the public..." Show more »"Would the Secretary of State support measures to reduce the investment of time and money at risk by third sector organisations seeking to take on the management and ownership of assets from the public sector - both to empower communities and to support the creation of an environment conducive to a thriving third sector? E.G. government-backed guidance to local authorities, assessed via the CAA process, to facilitate sign-off of activities associated with community asset transfer at agreed junctures - which could then not be revisited - to safeguard early stage agreements entered into, and/or 'customer service standards' applicable to officers with delegated responsibility from Members to implement transfer approvals within nationally agreed timescales. " Show less »
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  1. ordinaryboy is asking Hazel Blears: "will you support a local authority or one of its partners to use  exemptions from competition to enable community and local voluntary groups a fair chance of delivering their own public services?"
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  1. ordinaryboy is asking Hazel Blears: "Why has it proved so hard to get the views of ordinary people heard?"
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